Saturday, 31 October 2015


A Hunting Trip       (sample narrative essay)
            News of the tiger's attack on a woman (SPREAD)** __________ like wildfire. This was not the tiger's first appearance in the village. Before this attack, the villagers (LOSE)__________ a few goats and poultry but the disappearances (REMAIN)** ___________ a mystery as nobody (CAN) ________confirm that  they (BE)__________ a tiger's doing, Then the tiger (STRIKE) ____________.
This time, the victim was a 32-year-old woman who (WASH) _______ clothes. The villagers at once (ORGANIZE)___________ a hunting party. Armed with machetes and rifles, the hunting party, comprising six stocky men and me, (LEAVE) ___________ on 10 June.
We had an early night. Mosquitoes and eerie sounds made by the nocturnal creatures of the jungle (KEEP)_______ us awake for most of the night. I almost (MAKE) ________ my mind to give up. At first break of daylight, we were up. We (EAT)________ the food we (BRING) _______ and (SET)________off for Kampung Melur. Our walk (SLOW) _________ down to a snail's pace as we (HAVE TO)_______make our way across muddy paddy fields. As it (BEGIN) _____ to get dark, we frantically (SEARCH) ________ for a site to set up camp. Suddenly, we (SEE) _____ the flicker of kerosene lamps in the distance.
Our stomachs (GROWL) ______ with hunger and our aching bodies(BE)_________ in dire need of good rest, so we (DECIDE) ______ to spend the night at Kampung Melur. The hospitable villagers (PROVIDE)________  us with a tasty meal of hot porridge and salted fish. After we (DISCUSS)______ the details of the ambush on the tiger with the villagers, we (GO) ________ to sleep.
At the break of dawn, we (HEAD) _______ for the hills to the north of the village. After we meticulously (SEARCH)_________ for the tiger's paw prints, we (COME)______ to a clearing. The leader of the hunting party (WAVE)______  us to a stop. We (EXCHANGE) ______ glances, unable to contain our excitement. Al! of a sudden, some bushes (RUSTLE) _____ and there, among some bushes and shrubs, the figure of the king of the jungle (LOOM) ________ into sight. A shiver (CREEP) ______ up the spine of every single man present.
Someone (STEADY) _______ his rifle, (AIM)______ it between the tiger's eyes and (PULL) ___ the trigger. For a few hair-raising moments, we (STAND) ______  rooted to the ground, unable to move. The tiger (STAGGER) ______, (GROAN) ______ in pain, (COLLAPSE)_______ and (DIE)________.

After we (ACCOMPLISH) ______ our mission, we (HEAD)_______ back to our village. It (BE) ** _____ an incredible adventure, one that would remain in our memories for a long time to come. 


Friday, 16 October 2015



The Facts about Amnesia

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Argument and Opinion Essay Writing

(These exercises have been taken from the website of the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Oviedo)